Mastering Linux Commands: Getting Started with AWS

Are you interested in mastering important Linux networking commands such as ssh, scp, pssh, pscp, etc and basic networking concepts using Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Ubuntu? If so, you have come to the right place. Whether you are a beginner, an IT professional, or simply someone who is looking to enhance your skills, this comprehensive guide will provide you with hands-on tasks and real-life examples for you to learn and apply.

This is a complementary tutorial to our YouTube video on learning Linux Networking using AWS and Ubuntu, which you will find embedded below.

Key Concepts Explanation

Let’s dive into the key concepts that will be covered in this article.

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

AWS is the world’s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform, providing over 175 fully featured services from data centers globally. In our context, we are going to use AWS for provisioning Ubuntu-based virtual machines that will be utilized for learning Linux networking commands.

For sign up on AWS and to have an overview of AWS Web Console, refer to our embedded video above. Similarly for creating AWS EC2 Key Pair using AWS EC2 Console, creating our first AWS EC2 Instance using Ubuntu 20, and for logging into AWS EC2 Instance using Key Pair, please watch and follow along with our instructional video.

Linux Networking Commands

In this article, we will focus on a few Linux networking commands such as ssh, scp, pssh, pscp, etc. These commands are crucial for day-to-day tasks as they allow us to interact between different servers.

The ssh command can be used to login into remote servers. An example usage can be:

ssh username@remoteserver

Similarly, scp is used to copy files between servers. An example usage can be:

scp sourcefile username@remoteserver:destinationdirectory

Hands-On Tasks

Now it’s time to gain some practical experience with the concepts covered.

  1. Sign up for AWS and familiarize yourself with the AWS Web Console.
  2. Create an EC2 Key Pair using the AWS EC2 console.
  3. Provision a new EC2 instance using Ubuntu 20.
  4. Log in to your new EC2 instance using the previously created EC2 Key Pair.
  5. Practice using the ssh and scp commands on your EC2 instance.


We have covered two essential facets for Linux networking - Understanding and utilising AWS for provisioning virtual machines and learning about Linux Networking commands that allow you to interact between different servers.

The path to mastery is through practice. I encourage you to frequently use these commands until they become second nature. Don’t hesitate to watch our video again if you are unclear about any steps. And most importantly, keep exploring, keep practicing!

Remember, communities are a brilliant way to learn. Do consider signing up and participating in discussions. Happy Learning!

Remember, practice is key to mastering Linux commands. Don’t hesitate to try out these commands and explore their options to deepen your understanding.

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