Let us understand how to join Data Frames using Pandas.
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Key Concepts Explanation
In this section, we will break down the key concepts related to joining Data Frames using Pandas.
Key Concept 1
To join Data Frames, we can use the .join()
method by setting the index of the Data Frames with the respective columns to be joined on. Here is an example:
Key Concept 2
By specifying the join type as inner
, we can merge the Data Frames based on the common index values. Here is an example:
orders.set_index('order_id').join(order_items.set_index('order_item_order_id'), how='inner')
Hands-On Tasks
In this section, we will provide practical tasks for you to apply the concepts learned.
Task 1
Compute Daily Revenue by joining orders and order_items, considering only COMPLETE and CLOSED orders.
orders_considered = orders.query("order_status in ('COMPLETE', 'CLOSED')")
orders_considered.set_index('order_id').join(order_items.set_index('order_item_order_id'), how='inner').groupby('order_date')['order_item_subtotal'].agg(['sum']).rename(columns={'sum': 'revenue'})
Task 2
Find orders with no corresponding order items by performing a left join
Task 3
Compute Daily Product Revenue using orders.order_date and order_items.order_item_product_id, considering only COMPLETE and CLOSED orders.
orders_considered = orders.query("order_status in ('COMPLETE', 'CLOSED')")
orders_considered.set_index('order_id').join(order_items.set_index('order_item_order_id'), how='inner').groupby(['order_date', 'order_item_product_id'])['order_item_subtotal'].agg(['sum']).rename(columns={'sum': 'revenue'}).reset_index()
In this article, we have covered the basics of joining Data Frames using Pandas. We encourage you to practice these tasks and engage with the community for further learning.