Database Essentials using Postgres - Inserting Data into Postgres Database Table

Inserting Data


This article provides a comprehensive guide on inserting data into a table in PostgreSQL. It covers the syntax and best practices for inserting records into tables. The article includes detailed explanations, key concepts, hands-on tasks, and a video tutorial to enhance understanding.

Explanation for the video

The video tutorial accompanying this article provides a visual demonstration of the concepts discussed. It complements the text by illustrating how to insert data into a table step-by-step.

Click here to watch the video

Key Concepts Explanation


The INSERT INTO clause is used to add new records to a table in the database. Below is the sample syntax:

INSERT INTO <table_name> (col1, col2, col3)
VALUES (val1, val2, val3);

If columns are not provided after the table name, values for all columns need to be specified. Inserting records without specifying column names is not recommended.

Values for SERIAL Field

For the SERIAL field, if no value is specified, a sequence-generated number will be used for insertion.


When a column has a DEFAULT clause specified, those values will be used if not explicitly stated during insertion.

NOT NULL Columns

It is mandatory to specify values for columns with a NOT NULL constraint during data insertion.

Hands-On Tasks

Perform the following tasks to apply the concepts discussed:

  1. Insert the record - First Name: ‘Scott’, Last Name: ‘Tiger’, Email: ‘’
  2. Insert the record - First Name: ‘Donald’, Last Name: ‘Duck’, Email: ‘’
  3. Insert the record - First Name: ‘Mickey’, Last Name: ‘Mouse’, Email: ‘’, Role: ‘U’, Active: true
  4. Insert multiple records -
    • (1) First Name: ‘Gordan’, Last Name: ‘Bradock’, Email: ‘’, Password: ‘h9LAz7p7ub’, Role: ‘U’, Active: true
    • (2) First Name: ‘Tobe’, Last Name: ‘Lyness’, Email: ‘’, Password: ‘oEofndp’, Role: ‘U’, Active: true
    • (3) First Name: ‘Addie’, Last Name: ‘Mesias’, Email: ‘’, Password: ‘ih7Y69u56’, Role: ‘U’, Active: true


In conclusion, this article provided a comprehensive guide on inserting data into a PostgreSQL table. Remember to practice the hands-on tasks to reinforce your understanding. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to engage with the community. Happy learning!

Watch the video tutorial here