Database Essentials - Writing Advanced SQL Queries - Overview of Views

Overview of Views in SQL

Description Paragraph
This article provides a detailed explanation of views in SQL, covering key concepts, hands-on tasks, and practical examples. Learn how views work and how to create and use them effectively in your SQL queries.

Explanation for the video
The accompanying video demonstrates the concepts discussed in the article, providing a visual representation to complement the textual explanation.

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Key Concepts Explanation

View Overview

A view is a named query that creates a virtual table based on the result set of a SELECT statement. Views do not physically store data but fetch it from underlying tables.

SELECT column1, column2
FROM my_table;

Updatable Views

Views that allow Data Manipulation Language (DML) operations, such as INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE, on the underlying tables are known as updatable views.

SELECT columns
FROM my_table;

Hands-On Tasks

  1. Create a simple view based on an existing table.
  2. Perform an UPDATE operation on a view to modify data.


In conclusion, views in SQL provide a powerful way to simplify complex queries and manage data access. By understanding how views work and practicing creating and using them, you can enhance your SQL skills and optimize query performance.

Overview of Views

Here are the details related to views.

  • View is nothing but a named query. We typically create views for most commonly used queries.
  • Unlike tables, views does not physically store the data and whenever we write a query against a view, it fetches the data from the underlying tables defined as part of the view.
  • We can perform DML operations over the tables via views with restrictions (e.g., no joins, group by).
  • Views that allow DML operations on underlying tables are called updatable views.
  • Views can be used to provide restricted permissions on tables for DML Operations, although it is not commonly used.

[Watch the video tutorial here](