Introduction to Hadoop eco system - Overview of HDFS - Getting HDFS Storage Usage

Let us get an overview of HDFS usage using du and df commands.

Explanation for the video

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Key Concepts Explanation

Description of the key concepts. Provide key concepts as subheadings and explain them with inline code examples. Multi-line code examples should be highlighted using code highlighter.

Key Concept 1

Description of the key concept 1 with inline code examples
Multi line code examples (if any) should be highlighted using code highlighter

Key Concept 2

Description of the key concept 2 with inline code examples
Multi line code examples (if any) should be highlighted using code highlighter

Hands-On Tasks

Description of the hands-on tasks. Provide a list of tasks that the reader can perform to apply the concepts discussed in the article.

  1. Task 1
  2. Task 2


Summary of the main points discussed in the article. Encourage the reader to practice or engage with the community for further learning.

Watch the video tutorial here