Mastering Linux Commands: Basic System Commands to get Server details in Linux

Welcome to a comprehensive guide that elaborates on the important system commands to get details about CPU, Memory, Storage, etc which are frequently used in a Linux environment. This instructional guide pivots around understanding and utilizing core computer components and their respective Linux commands for practical implementation. Emphasizing hands-on tasks coupled with real-world examples, this guide aims to be an equally valuable resource for both newcomers and seasoned Linux users.

In this video tutorial, we will be exploring various Linux commands: lscpu, free, df, du, sort and find. These commands will provide us with information about the CPU, RAM, disk usage and storage details respectively.

Key Concepts Explanation

The various critical concepts and the corresponding commands that we are going to cover in this blog and video are explained elaborately below.


The command ‘lscpu’ fetches detailed information about the system’s central processing unit (CPU). This includes model name, architecture, number of CPUs and threads, etc. An example to execute this command in Linux would be to simply type ‘lscpu’ in terminal which will display detailed information about your CPU.

$ lscpu


The ‘free’ command in Linux is used to display the total amount of free and used physical memory (RAM) in the system. For example, ‘free -m’ would display the memory details in megabytes.

$ free -m

Hands-On Tasks

Hands-on practice is the best way to comprehend any technical concepts. Hence, here are a couple of tasks you can perform to strengthen your understanding.

  1. Try fetching the CPU information of your computer by executing ‘lscpu’ command on your terminal.
  2. Use the ‘free’ command to understand your system’s memory usage. Further, try it with different flags to understand their impact (like -h for human-readable format, -t for total memory, etc).


This guide serves as an introduction to essential Linux system commands such as lscpu and free, among others, which help in fetching critical information about the computer. With humble beginnings, practice and exploration, you can master these commands and further explore the power and flexibility that Linux commands have to offer. Remember to continue practicing these concepts and engaging with the community for collaborative learning.

Remember, practice is key to mastering Linux commands. Don’t hesitate to try out these commands and explore their options to deepen your understanding.

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