Mastering Linux Commands: Managing Files and Folders in Linux

Linux stands as one of the most powerful operating systems enabling seamless resource and file management. In this guide, we’ll delve into how to manage files and folders using different Linux commands like cp, mv, rm and tar. Plus, a brief on using the awk command for automatic task handling. To bring out the essence of this guide, we’ll use Ubuntu 20x, a variant of Linux known for its user-friendly interfaces.

Below, you’ll find a video tutorial that complements this written guide. We strongly recommend using both resources parallelly for a better grasp of the concepts.

Key Concepts Explanation

This section provides an in-depth analysis of the key concepts mentioned above. To assist in understanding, we have introduced subheadings each with its own code examples.

Using touch command

The Linux touch command is an ideal way to generate empty files. The syntax is touch filename.extension. For instance, touch myfile.txt would generate an empty text file named “myfile”.

Using mkdir command

Creating directories in Linux is made simple with the mkdir command. The syntax is mkdir directoryname. To illustrate, mkdir myfolder would create a folder named “myfolder” in the current directory.

Hands-On Tasks

For hands-on experience, here are tasks that the reader can perform to apply the concepts:

  1. Use the touch command to create an empty file with the name of your choice.
  2. Use the mkdir command to create a directory in your desired location.


Understanding Linux commands opens up a world of proficiency in managing files and folders effectively. In this guide, we’ve focused on fundamental Linux commands to manage files and operate seamless folder tasks. As we conclude, we encourage you to try out and practice these commands yourself for better understanding and to build your Linux expertise. For queries or further learning, feel free to engage with our community. Happy computing!

Remember, practice is key to mastering Linux commands. Don’t hesitate to try out these commands and explore their options to deepen your understanding.

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