Programming Essentials Python - Manipulating Collections - Limitations of using loops

This article will guide you through writing automation scripts in Python. You will learn about key concepts, hands-on tasks, and limitations of using loops in your automation scripts.

Here is the detailed breakdown of the article:

Key Concepts Explanation

Defining Variables

Description of how to define variables in Python with inline code examples:

name = "John"
age = 25

Conditional Statements

Explanation of conditional statements and if-else constructs with inline code examples:

if age >= 18:
    print("You are an adult.")
    print("You are a minor.")


Description of loops in Python and how to use them with inline code examples:

for i in range(5):

Hands-On Tasks

Follow these hands-on tasks to practice writing automation scripts in Python:

  1. Define a variable pi with the value 3.14159.
  2. Write a script to check if a number entered by the user is even or odd.


In this article, you learned the key concepts of defining variables, using conditional statements, and implementing loops in Python. Practice these concepts with hands-on tasks to enhance your automation skills.

Limitations of using Loops

There are several limitations using loops:

  • Loops require more coding for simple operations.
  • Maintenance of loops can become complicated with increasing scale.
  • Complex logic can be harder to manage with loops.

Python offers alternative solutions like list comprehensions and map functions to simplify operations and reduce the need for traditional loops. Explore these options to improve your coding efficiency.

Watch the video tutorial here