Programming Essentials Python - Overview of Collections - Adding elements to list

Crafting an Engaging Article for Non-Native English Speakers

This article provides a comprehensive guide on crafting an engaging article for non-native English speakers. It covers key concepts, step-by-step instructions, and hands-on tasks to enhance the readers’ understanding.

Explanation for the video
The article is based on a video tutorial available at the provided link on YouTube. The video complements the text by visually demonstrating the concepts discussed in the article, making it easier for readers to grasp the content.

Key Concepts Explanation

Simple Introduction

The importance of a concise and engaging introduction is highlighted, emphasizing the use of simple English to welcome newcomers.

Step-by-Step Guide

The article stresses the inclusion of a step-by-step guide for executing commands or tasks, ensuring clarity and ease of understanding for readers.

Visual Aids

A key concept is the integration of visual aids such as embedded videos to enhance the learning experience and complement the text.

Hands-On Tasks

Readers are encouraged to perform practical tasks to apply the concepts discussed in the article. These hands-on tasks help in reinforcing the learning and improving retention.

  1. Craft a descriptive and engaging title for an article
  2. Write a concise and welcoming introduction using simple English
  3. Include step-by-step instructions for executing commands
  4. Embed visual aids like videos to enhance the content


In conclusion, this article has outlined the essential elements for crafting an engaging article tailored for non-native English speakers. By following the guidelines provided, writers can create content that is informative, accessible, and engaging. Practice these concepts and engage with the community for further learning and improvement.

Adding Elements to list

We can perform the following operations to add elements to a list in Python:

  • append - adds elements at the end of the list.
  • insert - inserts an element at the specified index, shifting existing elements.
  • extend - extends the list by appending elements from another list.
  • Use + operator to append elements to a list.
l = [1, 2, 3, 4]
l = l + [6]
l = l + [7, 8, 9, 10]
l.insert(3, 13)
l.extend([11, 12])

Watch the video tutorial here