Programming Essentials Python - Overview of Collections - Common Operations

This article provides a detailed explanation of common operations that can be applied to Python collections like lists and sets. From checking elements existence to performing arithmetic operations, this article covers essential functions for manipulating collections efficiently.

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Key Concepts Explanation

Key Concept 1

In Python collections like lists and sets, the in operator is used to check if a specific element exists in the collection. For example:

l = [1, 2, 3, 4]  # list
1 in l
5 in l

Key Concept 2

The len function is utilized to determine the number of elements present in a collection. Additionally, the sorted function can be employed to sort the elements within the collection without altering the original data. For instance:

l = [1, 2, 3, 4]  # list

Hands-On Tasks

Explore the common operations on Python collections through hands-on tasks:

  1. Check if a specific element exists in a list or set.
  2. Calculate the sum, minimum, and maximum values in a list or set.


In conclusion, this article elucidated the fundamental operations that can be performed on Python collections such as lists and sets. By practicing the hands-on tasks and applying the concepts discussed, readers can enhance their proficiency in working with collections. Remember to engage with the community for further learning and exploration.

Watch the video tutorial here