Programming Essentials Python - User Defined Functions - Passing Functions as Arguments

This article will guide you on how to pass functions as arguments using Python programming language. Learn the basics of higher-order functions and how you can define and pass functions to other functions for efficient coding.

Key Concepts Explanation

Higher-order Functions

Higher-order functions are functions that can take other functions as arguments or return functions as results. This concept allows for more flexible and modular programming by leveraging the power of functions to operate on functions.

def my_function(arg1, arg2):
    # Function body

Lambda Functions

Lambda functions, also known as anonymous functions, are small, inline functions that do not require a name or formal definition. These functions are handy for simple operations that can be expressed concisely in a single line of code.

lambda x: x + 10

Hands-On Tasks

Perform the following hands-on tasks to practice passing functions as arguments:

  1. Create a function that sums all integers in a given range using a higher-order function.
  2. Implement a function that calculates the sum of squares within a given range using a higher-order function.


In this article, you learned about passing functions as arguments in Python. By leveraging higher-order functions and lambda functions, you can write more expressive and concise code. Practice implementing functions as arguments to enhance your programming skills and join the community for further learning opportunities.

Watch the video tutorial here