Mastering Linux: Overview of Linux Server Automation using Python

This article discusses how Python — a versatile and robust language with a variety of libraries, can greatly enhance the efficiency of Linux system administration tasks. The key topics addressed include running Linux system commands, working with files and directories, performing networking tasks, and automating authentication processes. Accompanied by video tutorials, hands-on tasks, and code examples, this guide offers a comprehensive insight into leveraging Python for Linux system operations.

The article is accompanied by a video that gives you an Overview of Linux Server Automation using Python. You can follow the video for a better understanding of the process of Linux Server Automation using Python.

Key Concepts Explanation

Underlying the use of Python for Linux system administration are several key concepts. Understanding these will provide the necessary foundation to automate system operations effectively.

Python Libraries for System Operations

Python libraries such as os, subprocess, getpass, and glob can be leveraged in automating Linux system operations. For example, the getpass module can be used to securely get user passwords or other confidential data. Inline usage would look like getpass.getpass('Enter password: ').

A more extensive batch of commands to run Linux shell commands from within Python scripts is subprocess. An example to run ‘ls’ command through subprocess is as follows:

import subprocess["ls", "-l"])

Python Jupyter Notebooks for Linux Commands

Jupyter Lab provides an interactive interface for executing Python codes and Linux commands within the same notebook.

Hands-On Tasks

The following tasks can be performed which will help solidify the concepts that have been discussed:

  1. Install and validate the Python software and the Python package manager pip on Linux.
  2. Setup and validate Jupyter Lab on a Ubuntu system and create separate notebooks for Python scripts and Linux commands.
  3. Using Python’s getpass module, write a script to securely get user’s password.
  4. Run Linux shell commands from a Python script using Python’s subprocess module.
  5. Using Python’s os module, perform basic file and directory operations on a Linux system.


This article provided a comprehensive understanding of how Python in conjunction with various modules and Jupyter Lab, can be used to automate Linux operations and perform system administration tasks efficiently. Regular practice with the tasks given can certainly help perfect the techniques discussed. Further learning through peer engagements and community interactions is encouraged. Please sign up or log in to join our community and participate in discussions. Happy learning!

Remember, practice is key to mastering Linux commands. Don’t hesitate to try out these commands and explore their options to deepen your understanding.

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